
Plazy Piano Scale Cards

Learn to play the scales with less effort in a quarter of the time than any other way.

Plazy Piano Scale cards fit behind the black keys on any standard size keys or digital keyboard Simply use the fingerings on the card and play. It's that simple!

Each set includes all enharmonic scales. Use individual left and right hand cards for learning hands separate or hands together. There are circled letters to indicate the triad chord. Scale letter names are spelled out on the front and key signatures are on the reverse side.

Remove the frustration from trying to learn scales and their fingerings from notes in a staff. Plazy Piano Scale Cards are a fun, faster, and easier way to learn all your scales. A must for any piano student, child or adult.

"The Plazy Piano Scale Cards provide a practical and easy way to help students learn all major and minor scales. Students combine visual and tactile learning skills to help guarantee accuracy and consistency when practicing scales. The scale cards can also be used by students of any age!"   -- Dennis Alexander, Composer/Clinician, Alfred Music Publishing.

Major Scale Cards

Treble & Bass Clef Flash Card

Treble and Bass Clef Flash Cards

A great way to learn Treble and Bass Clef tone names and keyboard location.

The set is a 4 octave range from the C two ledger lines below the bass clef staff to the C two ledger lines above the treble clef staff. The set also includes 8 ledger line tones between the staffs for a total of 38 flash cards.

Each card is 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. On the front, whole notes are used to show tone positions in the staff. On the back, the tone is named and highlighted on a 4 octave keyboard which has a pointer showing the Middle C for reference.

The images are large for easy reading and work well in group or classroom settings.

Each card has a reference number on the back to identify its unique position. The reference numbers are a great way to assign specific cards without confusion. An accompanying Index Card shows the reference numbers labeled to the staff and keyboard positions.